C# – Best practice converting RDL to RDLC


I'm looking to move from RDL to RDLC files, for my reports.

The reasons are:

  • Perfomance (Reports are RDLC files perform better)
  • Firewall issues (i need port 80 to be open to connect to the SQL Server reportserver)

My ideal situation would be the following:
Create the report as a RDL file, so it can easily be edited.
Deploy it as a RDLC to the webapp.

Have a module extract the querys and parameters stored in the RDLC and created and pass the datasets to the reportviewer.

In this scenario its easy to maintain.
Any idea if such is available, or directions to create it?

Best Answer

Microsoft provides documents about Converting RDL to RDLC files

You can find the document in MSDN: Converting RDL and RDLC Files
If you need the docs for another Visual-Studio Version, there's a version selector on the page.