C# – Best practices: C# Extension methods namespace and promoting extension methods


I know there exists already a post, describing nearly the same, but I think mine is a bit different.

What I would like to know is how you organize your extension methods in terms of assigning the namespace. Currently – for the extension methods in our framework – I use the following namespace pattern

  • MyCompany.Web.Utils

and inside I have the extension method classes. This is fine for me with the disadvantage that the extenders are not immediately visible to our software developers. Consider the case where I have a StringExtender class which provides a quite handy extension method "In" that extends the String object. Having the extension method withing the above mentioned namespace, our programmers won't see the extension method unless they explicitly include its namespace. Instead, if I would put the extension method in the System namespace, everyone would immediately see it, but I've read that this is bad practice.

So my question is how you do promote your extension methods s.t. they are used by your developers.

Best Answer

We put them all in their own namespace Company.Common.Extensions. That way, if you have any of our extension methods, you have them all. Plus, at least at my shop, we don't have to worry about our developers not knowing about extension methods. I have the opposite worry, extension method overload! :)

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