C# – Building Interpreter Of a Document Format

cdata structuresdocument

I'm going to start the development of my own document format(like PDF, XPS, DOC, RTF…), but I want to know where I can read some tutorials, how-to's…? I don't want code, this is a project that I want to learn how to build it, not use the experience of someone other.

PS: I want to make it like a XML file:

[Command Argument="Define it" Argument2="Something"]

It's like PDF, but this syntax will be interpreted by a program that I will build it using C#, just like HTML and your browser 😉

Remember that my question is about the program that will interpret this code, but it's good to start with a tutorial of interpreting XML code 😉

Best Answer

I assume you're doing this for the sake of learning how to do it. If that's the case, it is a worthwhile venture and I understand.

You'll want to start out by learning LL parsers and grammars. That will help you interpret the document that has been read from a file into a document object model (DOM). From there you can create routines to manipulate or render that document tree.

Good luck!