C# – C++ calling C# COM interop error: HRESULT 0x80131509


I create a C# COM interop for c++ to invoke.
I have registered the dll and tlb file by regasm.
everything goes well till one day i changed code of C# part (i didn't change the definition of interface, just implementation changed). one interface in COM returns an error 0x80131509. the strange thing is, it is only happened in some computers (my develop PC is works well so i can't debug this problem).
I'm not really clear on how the C# COM worked with C++, after i registered them, i just know they create key value in window registry.(like what regasm /regfile generated). how c++ knows where the COM dll is(search path environment variables)? and what the use of tlb file in run time?

any suggestion?

Best Answer

I got the same error as soon as I introduced a simple inheritance hierarchy to my COM library. A quick resolution was to set the ComVisible attribute to true on the base class. This fixed my problem immediately.

It does make a lot of sense when you think about it - the compiler doesn't allow you to build a hierarchy where the base class is less visible than the inheriting class. So it being the same for COM should come as no surprise - the only difference being, that it is failing at run-time instead of compile-time.

I would venture that the true reason for the error is a broken constructor chain, but I put no further research into it.

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