C# – Cannot implicitly convert type from Task<>


I am trying to master async method syntax in .NET 4.5. I thought I had understood the examples exactly however no matter what the type of the async method is (ie Task<T>), I always get the same type of error error on the conversion back to T – which I understood was pretty much automatic. The following code produces the error:

Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Collections.Generic.List<int>>' to 'System.Collections.Generic.List<int>'

public List<int> TestGetMethod()
    return GetIdList(); // compiler error on this line

async Task<List<int>> GetIdList()
    using (HttpClient proxy = new HttpClient())
        string response = await proxy.GetStringAsync("www.test.com");
        List<int> idList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<int>>();
        return idList;

It fails if I explicitly cast the result as well. This:

public List<int> TestGetMethod()
    return (List<int>)GetIdList();  // compiler error on this line

somewhat predictably results in this error:

Cannot convert type 'System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Collections.Generic.List<int>>' to 'System.Collections.Generic.List<int>'

Any help greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

The main issue with your example that you can't implicitly convert Task<T> return types to the base T type. You need to use the Task.Result property. Note that Task.Result will block async code, and should be used carefully.

Try this instead:

public List<int> TestGetMethod()  
    return GetIdList().Result;  