C# – Can’t connect to SQL Server database

asp.netcsqlsql serverwindows-server-2008

I'm currently developing a web application using asp.net c#. I got a server where I today was
going to publish my website and its database. Its a server that runs Windows Server 2008 R2.

But I have one issue:

My website doesn't seem to get access to the database. If I run the website from another computer on my local network I can access the server's database, BUT I can't when I run the website from the same server where the database is. This is really weird. I hope someone can help.

I just get an error that says, it can't access the database.

The most weird of all is that I'm using the same connection string on both computers, but it still doesn't work. Are there maybe some sort of settings in Windows Server 2008?

Here is my connection string:

<add name="ConnectionString" 
     connectionString="Data Source=AXELS;Initial Catalog=Sailor;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=saab123" 
     providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

Best Answer

Since the connection works on one machine and not on another, I'd guess you have an issue with a firewall or similar - but it will be hard to tell until we see the actual error message. Until then, there are a few things you might want to do:

  • If it appears as if the connection has to time out before you get the error, it indicates a connectivity problem. Do you have a firewall between the two servers? Does the database server have a firewall that explicitly lets your machine (or internal) machines get through, but hasn't been setup to let the webserver get through? You have to make sure that port 1433 is open on the server.

  • Are there other sites on the webserver that can connect to the database?

  • If you have console access to the server, try to set up an ODBC from the server to the database - usually in Control Panel -> Data Sources (ODBC). If you set up a connection with the same DB Server, username and password and test the connection, you might get some pointers to what is wrong.

If the above doesn't provide you with an answer, I'd try to go through the steps described here:


And if that fails, take a look at this - which is apparently only valid when you get SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26
