C# – Change default icon


I'm trying to change the application icon from default to something else.
So what I did, is I made an icon and saved it. Then I went to the application tab in the property of my project and changed the icon. There he shows the icon like I made it, but when I run my project it shows a gray icon instead of showing my icon.

What i'm doing wrong here?

Best Answer

Run it not through Visual Studio - then the icon should look just fine.

I believe it is because when you debug, Visual Studio runs <yourapp>.vshost.exe and not your application. The .vshost.exe file doesn't use your icon.

Ultimately, what you have done is correct.

  1. Go to the Project properties
  2. under Application tab change the default icon to your own
  3. Build the project
  4. Locate the .exe file in your favorite file explorer.

There, the icon should look fine. If you run it by clicking that .exe the icon should be correct in the application as well.