C# – Changing from WPF User Control to Window


I've been working on a commandline application, and have recently decided to add a wpf window to the application. I added this as a UserControl, however I noticed I can't call this class using ShowDialog() from my main code;

I've tried changing the Base class from a UserControl to Window, however an error occurs;

public partial class UserControl1 : Window
        public UserControl1()

Error 1 Partial declarations of
'ExcelExample.UserControl1' must not
specify different base

I've added all the references found in my other WPF application to no avail. Help!

Best Answer

In order to change the base class it is not sufficient to change it in code only. You must also change the root tag and any nested elements in accompanying XAML file. For example, you have something like:

<UserControl x:Class="Your.Namespace.UserControl1"

You must change it to something like:

<Window x:Class="Your.Namespace.UserControl1"