C# – Changing the colour of a row based on a condition


I want to change a particular row color of gridview based on some condition, i am using ASP.NET with c#.

I know i can use the HTMLCellPrepared method, but in my method i want to look at the values of other grids as well? Is this possible?

    protected void GVResults_HtmlDataCellPrepared(object sender, ASPxGridViewTableDataCellEventArgs e)
        if (e.DataColumn.FieldName == "CarrierId")
            if ( Convert.ToInt32(e.CellValue) > 0)
                e.Cell.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;            

This is the first part of the method, but i want to look at values from other grids in order to make visual changes to this grid. Problem is I dont know how to access values from other grids….

Best Answer

I would recommend you to use the htmlrowprepared event for the conditional coloring of row.

According to the code you have written, below example can help you :

protected void GVResults_HtmlRowPrepared(object sender, ASPxGridViewTableRowEventArgs e)
        if (e.RowType != GridViewRowType.Data) return;
        int value = (int)e.GetValue("CarrierId");
        if (value > 0)
            e.Row.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

Changing ASPxGridView Cell and Row Color on Condition