C# – ‘Class’ does not contain a definition for ‘Method’


In class Employee I've got some methods, which work fine. Now I wanted to add new method, for example

public void ExampleMethod()

Then I call it

Employee employee = new Employee();

ExampleMethod is present in IntelliSense displayed after dot, when I hit F12 it also redirect me to that method, but while starting project I've got an error: 'Employee' does not contain a definition for 'ExampleMethod' and no extension method 'ExampleMethod' accepting a first argument of type 'Employee' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

I don't know why this error is caused, because all other earlier methods work fine. What's the problem?

Best Answer

There are three possibilities:

1) If you are referring old DLL then it cant be used. So you have refer new DLL

2) If you are using it in different namespace and trying to use the other namespace's dll then it wont refer this method.

3) You may need to rebuild the project

I think third option might be the cause for you. Please post more information in order to understand exact problem of yours.