C# – Constructor Dependency Injection in Base Class


i'm building a repository base class with Entity Framework where all Entities repository will inherit. I want to inject the DatabaseContext in base class using Dependency Injection using Ninject. I think the Constructor Injection is the right way, but doing this with Constructor Injection in derived class I will must to pass parameter to constructor in base class and I don't want it. Therefore, a Setter Injection is more appropriate?

Here's my code:

public abstract class BaseRepository<TEntity> : IDisposable 
    where TEntity : class
    private readonly DatabaseContext _databaseContext;

    protected BaseRepository(DatabaseContext databaseContext)
        this._databaseContext = databaseContext;

Using Constructor Injection in the above example, in my derived class I will must to pass databaseContext object to base class, I don't like to doing this to all my derived class:

public class UsuarioRepository : BaseRepository<IUsuario>,
    public UsuarioRepository(DatabaseContext databaseContext)
        : base(databaseContext)

Setter Injection instead of Constructor Injection is a good way to solve that? What is the best way?


Using Setter Injection my derived class's will not have constructors:

public class UsuarioRepository : BaseRepository<IUsuario>, IUsuarioRepository

My Context is only one in all application. I don't need derived class to pass context object, but i like to inject it in base class to using mocks for tests in future.

I Solve the problem:

Sorry, I'm confusing with the question, but i'm solving my problem building a Factory:

public abstract class BaseRepository<TEntity> : IBaseRepository<TEntity>
   where TEntity : class
    private readonly ContextFactory _contextFactory = new ContextFactory();

    protected DatabaseContext CurrentContext
            return this._contextFactory.GetCurrentContext();

And my derived class will look like that:

public class UsuarioRepository : BaseRepository<IUsuario>, IUsuarioRepository

And My Factory like that:

public class ContextFactory
    public DatabaseContext GetCurrentContext()
        return new DatabaseContext();

Best Answer

Property Injection implies that the dependency is optional, while Constructor Injection implies that the dependency is required. Choose a pattern accordingly.

In more than 95% of the cases Constructor Injection is the correct pattern. What about it don't you like?