C# – Constructor on type: “Namespace.type” not found


I am using Castle.Windsor as an IOC.

So I am trying to resolve a service type in the constructor of an HTTPHandler. I keep receiving this error, "Constructor on type: "Namespace.type" not found." My configuration has the following entries for service type: IDocumentDirectory

<component id="restricted.content.directory" service="org.myorg.foundations.services.content.IDocumentDirectory, org.myorg.foundations.services" type="org.myorg.foundations.services.content.RestrictedLocalizationDocumentDirectory, org.myorg.foundations.services">

  <component id="content.directory" service="org.myorg.foundations.services.content.IDocumentDirectory, org.myorg.foundations.services" type="org.myorg.foundations.services.web.client.WebServiceDocumentDirectory, org.myorg.foundations.services.web.client">

In my new handler the constructor looks like this:

 public HeartBeatHttpHandler(IDocumentDirectory contentDirectory)
        _contentDirectory = contentDirectory;

I have never recieved this error using Castle.Windsor. Can someone explain?


Best Answer

You cannot inject a dependency into managed .NET HTTPHandler code. The objects that implement IHttpHandler must have a parameter-less constructor.

I used an application container instead. Which wouldn't have been my first choice.
