C# – Continuous progressbar in WPF


In the winforms we have a property called continuous that will show the progress bar from 0 till it hits 100.

I was looking for the same effect in WPF but from what I searched it leaded me to change the IsIndeterminate to true which doesnt give me the continuous effect only a weird effect of the part of the progressbar walking around.

To display an example of what I am talking about, the below image represents the continuous effect I am after:

Ilustrative example

Back to the question, how do I do that in WPF ?

Best Answer

The WPF ProgressBar does not have the Continous option. If you are on XP, or using the Luna themes, you will get the segmented look.

This question describes how the Aero theme can be applied, but otherwise you'd have to restyle the progress bar.