C# – Create a System-tray styled box in Winforms (C#)


I've been hunting about for some resources on this, and I can't find any, so I'll bring in here.

I want to make a window similar in style to the quick launch box which you see when you open the quick launch bar:

Example Window http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/6204/volcontrolstyleguide.png

Sadly, I can't find any resources on this; can you help me out?

Best Answer

It's quite simple. Create a new form, and set ControlBox, MaximizeBox, and MinimizeBox properties to false. Set the Title property to an empty string. This will effectively eliminate the the nonclient title bar area, giving you this:

Simple winforms window without nonclient area

The the interior section (like with "Customize") can be duplicated with a properly sized Panel and Link.