C# – Creating an Inputbox in C# using forms


Hello I'm currently creating an application which has the need to add server IP addresses to it, as there is no InputBox function in C# I'm trying to complete this using forms, but am very new to the language so not 100% as to what I should do.

At the moment I have my main form and a form which will act as my inputbox which wants to hide on load. Then when the user clicks on the add IP Address on the main form I wish to open up the secondary form and return the IP address entered into a text box on the secondary form.

So how would I go about doing this? Or is there any better ways to achieve similar results?

Best Answer

In your main form, add an event handler for the event Click of button Add Ip Address. In the event handler, do something similar as the code below:

private string m_ipAddress;
private void OnAddIPAddressClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
    using(SetIPAddressForm form = new SetIPAddressForm())
        if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
            //Create a property in SetIPAddressForm to return the input of user.
            m_ipAddress = form.IPAddress;

Edit: Add another example to fit with manemawanna comment.

private void btnAddServer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string ipAdd;
    using(Input form = new Input())
        if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
            //Create a property in SetIPAddressForm to return the input of user.
            ipAdd = form.IPAddress;

In your Input form, add a property:

public class Input : Form
    public string IPAddress
        get { return txtInput.Text; }

    private void btnInput_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Do some validation for the text in txtInput to be sure the ip is well-formated.

            this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;