C# – CruiseControl.NET double building nant file


I've just started using ccnet and it appears to be double building the nant file: The build log shows the build output twice:

Buildfile: file:///D:/ccnet/path/go.build Target framework: Microsoft
.NET Framework 2.0 Target(s) specified: test

.. etc..

Buildfile: file:///D:/ccnet/path/go.build Target framework: Microsoft
.NET Framework 2.0 Target(s) specified: test

But I only have one nant task in my ccnet.config. What might be wrong?

Best Answer

If nant is putting output to the standard out it is getting wrapped upinto the build log automatically, then if you have Nant create an results file and you merge that in, you will get double results. I have seen it happen so this may be your issue. If it is, the best way to fix it is to get rid of the merge step and just let CC.NET consume the stdOut

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