C# – delegates in C#


i have 3 files that i need to compare to 100 other files (by using some functions i wrote).
i take each file from the three and in loop compare them to each one of the 100 files.
i want to use the functions sequentially, after i finish to compare the 3 files to the 100 files i want to activate the next function, how can i do it ( the signature of the functions are the same so i can use delegate, but i don't know how)
here is a pseudo code for the comparison:


After the two loops ended i want to activate the next compare function…

Best Answer

Okay, so basically you're trying to parameterise a common method by the comparison. Something like this should work for you:

public void CompareFiles(IEnumerable<string> firstFiles,
                         IEnumerable<string> secondFiles,
                         Action<string, string> comparison)
    foreach (string file1 in firstFiles)
        foreach (string file2 in secondFiles)
            comparison(file1, file2);

Then call it with:

CompareFiles(arrFiles1, arrFiles2, FirstComparison);
CompareFiles(arrFiles1, arrFiles2, SecondComparison);

That's assuming the comparison method already takes any appropriate action. If it needs to return something, you'll probably want to use a Func of some description - more details would be useful.