C# – Delete selected row from datagrid view and update thesql database in C#


m developing application for my office and in my application there is a datagrid view that linked to a mysql database. local users can update the database using datagridview but they cant delete any recodes. i want to implement a method that user's are select exact raw in the datagridview and delete it as well as delete the database record soon. i managed to make select and delete datagridview row using below code but it not update the database

private void button60_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            foreach (DataGridViewCell oneCell in dataGridView1.SelectedCells)
                if (oneCell.Selected)


and this is my connection string that i normally use to view the database data in datagrid view. i don't have good knowledge to combined these two.can someone please show me how to do that

my connection string

private void showdatagrid()

        string constring = string.Format("datasource='{0}';username=******;port=3306;password=***********;Connect Timeout=20000;Command Timeout=28800", dbserverip.Text);
        MySqlConnection conwaqDatabase = new MySqlConnection(constring);
        MySqlCommand cmdwaqDatabase = new MySqlCommand(" select * from warit.loans ; ", conwaqDatabase);


            MySqlDataAdapter sda = new MySqlDataAdapter();
            sda.SelectCommand = cmdwaqDatabase;
            dbdataset = new DataTable();
            BindingSource bsource = new BindingSource();

            bsource.DataSource = dbdataset;
            dataGridView1.DataSource = bsource;


        catch (Exception ex)



Best Answer

try this code

private void button60_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    foreach (DataGridViewCell oneCell in dataGridView1.SelectedCells)
        if (oneCell.Selected)
            int loannumber = dataGridView1.Rows[oneCell.RowIndex].Cells['index of loannumber column in datagridview'].Value; // assuming loannmber is integer
            string username = dataGridView1.Rows[oneCell.RowIndex].Cells['index of username column in datagridview'].Value; // assuming username is string
            /* Now create an object of MySqlConnection and MySqlCommand
             * and the execute following query
            string query = string.Format("DELETE FROM table_name WHERE loannumber = {0} AND username = '{1}'", loannumber, username);
