C# – Devexpress ASPxGridView GetSelectedFieldValues Can’t get values


I'm using a gridview with paging. My grid has a command column and ShowSelectCheckbox is set to true. I bind DataTable to grid at Page_Load event with the condition [ if (!IsCallback) ].

So when i change page index data is lost. After that i wrote bind code to grid's PageIndexChanged event. Now it works like charm.

But GetSelectedFieldValues works only at first page when SelectionChanged event occurs.

In example when i select a row at first page it gets the field values that i want. But when i change pageindex GetSelectedField cannot get the field values. It alerts empty text.

If i select a row at second page index it works at that page too, but when i change page index it's broken again.

BTW it works when i bind the grid at PageLoad event without !IsCallback condition but i can't bind it at Page_Load event because of other controls must have to change the query and so data.

Here goes my javascript function which alerts selected values

<ClientSideEvents SelectionChanged="function(s, e) {
}" />

And page index changed event

protected void myGrid_PageIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        myGridDataSource = dtable; //dtable is static, i also used BindThat function here too. But no way out.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!IsCallback)
        BindThat(); // Fetch data from db, create dtable and bind it to grid.

Best Answer

I think this is not the correct way to get the values from the grid at client side, check the following link: http://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/p/Q94237.aspx

function Button1_onclick() {
    ASPxGridView1.GetSelectedFieldValues("CategoryID;CategoryName", OnGetSelectedFieldValues);

function OnGetSelectedFieldValues(result) {
    for(var i = 0; i < result.length; i ++)
        for(var j = 0; j <result[i].length; j++) {

Question: is your grid support multiple selection?

Edit1: Check the following Examples as well:

How to use a GetSelectedFieldValues method to obtain values of several columns at once

How to get the values of the selected record from the server

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