C# – Displaying a MessageBox on top of all forms, setting location and/or color

cmessageboxvisual studio 2010

I have two forms and I set one of the forms' TopMost property to true. Somewhere, while the program runs, I show a MessageBox, but since TopMost is set to true, when the MessageBox pops up it shows under the topmost form so I cannot see it.

  1. Is there any way that I make one of my forms always be on top, but when a MessageBox pops up, make the message box show on top of that specific form?

  2. Is it possible to give a location to the MessageBox so that it shows not in the middle but for example low down on the screen?

  3. Let's say that I have an orange colored form can I have a pink colored message box only for that specific application. I mean I am NOT referring to playing the windows color properties. (I don't want all message boxes to be pink.)

Best Answer

I use this.

                (MessageBoxOptions)0x40000); // this set TopMost
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