C++ – DLL library interface


I have a question that bothers me for a long time.

I have a mathematical library, implemented as DLL.
The library implements many types of mathematical functions.
The mathematical functions are implemented in different classes based on their functionality. For example, all functions that implements polynomial equations are under CPolynom, all functions that implements differential equations are under CDifferential.

The DLL has to expose an interface.
Now my question:

Option 1

I can implement in one header file, one interface class which includes all the “sub” interface methods of all practical classes => On one hand, I expose to the outside world only one header file with one class, on the other hand this class might be huge, including interface methods which are not related (i.e. someone wants the CPolynom functionality, he/she will have to include huge header file and construct huge interface class)

Option 2

I can implement interface class for each class in different header file.
=> On one hand I split classes to different files based on functionality. If someone wants a specific functionality, he/she will have to include only the relevant file.
On the other hand, I can end up with many header files introduced to the outside world.

Which approach counts as more professional, more correct in software design discipline?

Thank you,

Best Answer

I generally implement one header per class. If you find yourself always needing a shotgun blast of headers because you need "one from column A and two from column B", that generally implies some sort of design code smell. For instance, you have a single responsibility spread across several classes instead of concentrated in a single class.