C# Dynamic Linq Variable Where clause


I am following Scott Gu's article to create a dynamic LINQ

He has given an example:

Expression<Func<Customer, bool>> e1 = 
    DynamicExpression.ParseLambda<Customer, bool>("City = \"London\"");  
Expression<Func<Customer, bool>> e2 =
    DynamicExpression.ParseLambda<Customer, bool>("Orders.Count >= 10");  
IQueryable<Customer> query =
    db.Customers.Where("@0(it) and @1(it)", e1, e2);  

This works fine in my case. However I have unknown number of where clauses, which is decided at runtime.

Can anyone please tell me how to create a generic Where clause, such as

Where("@0(it) and @1(it) and... @n(it)", e1, e2, ... en);


Best Answer

You can attach additional operators on the query object:

 query = db.Customers.Where( ... );
 query = query.Where( ... );
 query = query.Where( ... );

This way you can attach clauses dynamically and you are independent on their count.

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