C# – EF Code First not generating table for ICollection


I would like the below ICollection property in one of my data classes (let's call it "Foo")

public class Foo
    public int FooId { get; set; }
    public string SomeValueOrOther { get; set; }
    public virtual ICollection<string> AllowedBars { get; set; }

I can add the string values when using the entity context, but they don't "go anywhere". In other words, no table is generated to represent this relationship and therefore no values are saved. What I would expect is a table with two columns, one for "FooId" and one for "AllowedBar" and for EF to map this to the collection automatically (as it does in with complex types).

As this doesn't happen, I've had to create a class called "FooAllowedBar" with the two properties I've described above.

This displeases me because it's the only "join" type class I have in the entire project. It works, of course, so one box is ticked, but does anybody know of a way to get EF to generate a table for the string collection relationship? (Or int, or datetime etc etc)

It may well be, from the little info that's out there on EF (still!) that this type of functionality is not (yet) supported. By I'd just like to get close to a definitive answer.

Many thanks in advance,

Best Answer

EF can only work with entity classes. Each entity class must have defined primary key so the minimum in your scenario is:

public class StringData
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Data { get; set; }

or worse

public class StringData
    public string Data { get; set; }

Now you can define collection of StringData to map it as related table:

public virtual ICollection<StringData> AllowedBars { get; set; }