C# – EF6 eager load single property of related entity


IN EF6, i have an entity Customer, with a navigation property to entity Address. Address entity contains a property "City".

I can eager load the Address entity while getting all Customers like this:

_dbSet.Customers.Include(customer => customer.Address);

This gives me all the customers, with all the Address properties eager loaded.

Of course this works fine, but the only thing i need from the Address table is the field "City", and it does not feel good to fetch all the address properties from the persistent data store (SQL Server) while not needing them.

I tried the following:

_dbSet.Customers.Include(customer => customer.Address.City);

…but this gives me a runtime exception:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in mscorlib.dll

Additional information: A specified Include path is not valid. The EntityType 'MyModel.Address'does not declare a navigation property with the name 'City'.

I understand this, since City is just a field, and not a relation to another table / entity.

But is there another way to accomplish what i want, or is it best practice to just include the whole Address entity, even if i only need the city field???

What i want is that i can use myCustomer.Address.City, without having an extra query to the database, but for examle when i use myCustomer.Address.Street, the Street property is not eager loaded, and should be additionally fetched from the database…

Best Answer

Select only the properties you want, EF will only load what's needed.

var query = _dbSet.Customers.Include(customer => customer.Address);
var data = query.Select(c => new { Customer = c, City = c.Address.City });
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