C++ – Elegant way to find closest value in a vector from above


I need a function that takes a vector (assumed to be sorted), and a value, and returns the closest number that's [edit] greater than less than or equal to that number, preferably using an algorithm from the STL. I have come up with a solution using std::lower_bound(), but it seems kludgy and ugly:

struct ClosestCmp {
    bool operator()(const int & x, const int & y) { return x > y; }

// vec is assumed to be sorted
int closest(const std::vector<int> & vec, int value)
    std::vector<int>::const_reverse_iterator cri =
        std::lower_bound(vec.rbegin(), vec.rend(), value, ClosestCmp());
    if (cri != vec.rend()) {
        return *cri;
    return -1;

// ...
std::cout << closest(vec, 2) << "\n"; // Should ouput "2"
std::cout << closest(vec, 3) << "\n"; // Should ouput "2"
std::cout << closest(vec, 4) << "\n"; // Should ouput "4"

Can anyone suggest a way that's more elegant, maybe using an STL algorithm without needing a comparison function or a reverse iterator? I have looked in the STL, but haven't been able to find a better solution than this.

Best Answer

For reminder:

  • std::lower_bound: returns the first value that does not compare less
  • std::upper_bound: returns the first value that compares strictly greater

From your description, std::lower_bound already looks like the perfect fit, what is wrong with:

int closest(std::vector<int> const& vec, int value) {
    auto const it = std::lower_bound(vec.begin(), vec.end(), value);
    if (it == vec.end()) { return -1; }

    return *it;

Which is used as:

int main() {
    std::vector<int> vec;

    std::cout << closest(vec, 2) << "\n";
    std::cout << closest(vec, 3) << "\n";
    std::cout << closest(vec, 4) << "\n";
