C# – Even “IsNullOrEmpty” checks give “Possible multiple enumeration of IEnumerable” warnings


There's a question on SO about "possible multiple enumerations" already, but this question is more specific.

Please consider the following method, which takes an IEnumerable<string> as input and executes a given method against each of its elements:

public static bool SomeMethod(IEnumerable<string> enumerable)
    if (enumerable.IsNullOrEmpty())
        // throw exception.
        return (enumerable.All(SomeBooleanMethod));

In the code above, IsNullOrEmpty is just an extension method which runs

return (!ReferenceEquals(enumerable, null) || enumerable.Any());

The problem is that ReSharper is warning me about "Possible multiple enumerations of IEnumerable", and I really don't know if this can actually be a problem or not.

I understand the meaning of the warning, but what could you really do in this situation if you really need to check and throw exception in case of nullity or emptyness?

Best Answer

It means that you are (partially) iterating over the IEnumerable more than once: first in your call to Any() (which needs to at least initialize an iteration to see if the enumerable returns any elements), and a second time in All (which iterates from the beginning).

The reason ReSharper warns you about this is that enumerating over an enumerable may cause side effects, and unintentionally iterating twice may trigger the side effects twice, which may or may not be desirable.

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