C# – Event Handlers and Interfaces


I have an interface called IDataIO:

public interface IDataIO
  event DataReceivedEvent DataReceived;
  //.....more events,methods and properties

I also have multiple classes that implement this interface, namely UdpIO, TcpIO, SerialIO.

Now, I have an IO class that allows me to switch between different input/output hardware. Each instance of this class has a CurrentIODevice property, which could be one of SerialIO,UdpIO or TcpIO. When this property is assigned, i attach 1 or more handlers to the DataReceivedEvent so that my GUI is notified when incoming data is received, as well as other classes that need to be notified.

public class IO
  IDataIO CurrentIODevice;

  public IO()
    SerialIO serial = new SerialIO();
    TcpIO tcp = new TcpIO();
    UdpIO udp = new UdpIO();
    CurrentIODevice = serial;

I also have a IOManager class that holds multiple IO objects.

public class IOManager
  List<IO> Ports = new List<IO>();
  public IOManager()
    Ports.Add(new IO());
    Ports.Add(new IO());

  Ports[0].CurrentIODevice = serial;
  Ports[0].CurrentIODevice.DataReceivedHandler += MyGuiUpdate;
  Ports[0].CurrentIODevice.DataReceivedHandler += MyDataProcessing;

My concern (its not an issue atm) is how I am going to change between different IDataIO interfaces at runtime.

What is the effect of, at runtime, performing the following statement:

//i know this is illegal but just to demonstrate
IOManager.Ports[0].CurrentIODevice = tcp; 

Will the event handlers still be functioning (and correctly)?

Do i need to unassign the events before the CurrentIODevice is assigned, and then re-assign the handlers again after? If this is the case, I can see this approach getting quite messy, so if anyone has a better approach to this problem I'm all ears 🙂

Best Answer

No, your handlers will not work because they're attached to the old object. Interfaces provides...an interface to an object, see it as a kind of contract but they're not a different object themselves.

If you need to switch between different implementations of the interface (at run-time) and to keep all handlers working you have to have the same object reference for the interface itself, kind of strategy pattern (more or less).

In your case you may, for example, implement the IDataIO interface in a DataIO object. It'll expose a property (or a method, I think its intent is more clear) to switch between different implementations of that interface (serial, TCP or whatever). It'll be the only one object to attach an event handler to that interface (and it'll drop the handler when the concrete implementation will change). Users of that object will always see it, whatever it's the concrete implementation it's using.


This is a small example to explain this concept. The generic interface is this:

interface IDataIO
    void Write(byte[] data);

    byte[] Read();

    event EventHandler DataReceived;

This is the concrete implementation of IDataIO, other classes will use only this class directly:

sealed class DataIO : IDataIO
    public void SetChannel(IDataIO concreteChannel)
        if (_concreteChannel != null)
            _concreteChannel.DataReceived -= OnDataReceived;

        _concreteChannel = concreteChannel;
        _concreteChannel.DataReceived += OnDataReceived;

    public void Write(byte[] data)

    public byte[] Read()
        return _concreteChannel.Read();

    public event EventHandler DataReceived;

    private IDataIO _concreteChannel;

    private void OnDataReceived(object sender, EventArgs e)
        EventHandler dataReceived = DataReceived;
        if (dataReceived != null)
            dataReceived(this, e);

Finally some code for testing:

class Test
    public Test()
        _channel = new TcpIO();

        _channel.DataReceived += OnDataReceived;

    public void SetChannel(IDataIO channel)

        // Nothing will change for this "user" of DataIO
        // but now the channel used for transport will be
        // the one defined here

    private void OnDataReceived(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // You can use this
        byte[] data = ((IDataIO)sender).Read();

        // Or this, the sender is always the concrete
        // implementation that abstracts the strategy in use
        data = _channel.Read();

    private DataIO _channel;