C# – EventLog.CreateEventSource is not creating a custom log


I have some code like this:

EventLog.CreateEventSource("myApp", "myAppLog");
EventLog.WriteEntry("myApp", "Test log message", EventLogEntryType.Error);

Now, unless I'm missing something having read MSDN, this should cause a new log 'myAppLog' to be created in the event viewer, and an entry should be added to that new log with the source name 'myApp'. But, I can't get the new log to be created. This always just writes an error log message to the Application log, with the source 'myApp' – 'myAppLog' is nowhere to be seen. What am I doing wrong? I am logged in as an Administrator.

Best Answer

Is it possible that you already used the source "myApp" when writing to the standard Application log? If so according to MSDN:

If a source has already been mapped to a log and you remap it to a new log, you must restart the computer for the changes to take effect.

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2awhba7a.aspx (about half way down the page)