C# – Exception when AddWithValue parameter is NULL


I have following code for specifying parameters for SQL query. I am getting following exception when I use Code 1; but works fine when I use Code 2. In Code 2 we have a check for null and hence a if..else block.


The parameterized query '(@application_ex_id nvarchar(4000))SELECT E.application_ex_id A' expects the parameter '@application_ex_id', which was not supplied.

Code 1:

command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@application_ex_id", logSearch.LogID);

Code 2:

if (logSearch.LogID != null)
         command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@application_ex_id", logSearch.LogID);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@application_ex_id", DBNull.Value );


  1. Can you please explain why it is unable to take NULL from logSearch.LogID value in Code 1 (but able to accept DBNull)?

  2. Is there a better code to handle this?


  1. Assign null to a SqlParameter
  2. Datatype returned varies based on data in table
  3. Conversion error from database smallint into C# nullable int
  4. What is the point of DBNull?


    public Collection<Log> GetLogs(LogSearch logSearch)
        Collection<Log> logs = new Collection<Log>();

        using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))

            string commandText = @"SELECT  *
                FROM Application_Ex E 
                WHERE  (E.application_ex_id = @application_ex_id OR @application_ex_id IS NULL)";

            using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(commandText, connection))
                command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;

                //Parameter value setting
                //command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@application_ex_id", logSearch.LogID);
                if (logSearch.LogID != null)
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@application_ex_id", logSearch.LogID);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@application_ex_id", DBNull.Value );

                using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    if (reader.HasRows)
                        Collection<Object> entityList = new Collection<Object>();
                        entityList.Add(new Log());

                        ArrayList records = EntityDataMappingHelper.SelectRecords(entityList, reader);

                        for (int i = 0; i < records.Count; i++)
                            Log log = new Log();
                            Dictionary<string, object> currentRecord = (Dictionary<string, object>)records[i];
                            EntityDataMappingHelper.FillEntityFromRecord(log, currentRecord);


        return logs;

Best Answer

Annoying, isn't it.

You can use:

       ((object)logSearch.LogID) ?? DBNull.Value);

Or alternatively, use a tool like "dapper", which will do all that messing for you.

For example:

var data = conn.Query<SomeType>(commandText,
      new { application_ex_id = logSearch.LogID }).ToList();

I'm tempted to add a method to dapper to get the IDataReader... not really sure yet whether it is a good idea.