C# – F# and C# ‘s CLR is same then why is F# faster than C#


I am confused and would appreciate if you enlighten me. F# uses same CLR as C# and underlying code is identical then how can one suggest that a function runs faster when written in F# than C#? If I use only immutable variables in C# and performance needs to be as high as possible then why use F#?

Best Answer

underlying code is identical? Doubtful. In general, F# will be faster in some things and slower in others. The same is true of C#. Or even VB. Each language has its pluses. If there is an overall performance plus in most areas, it is in the compiler.

If I use only immutable variables in C# and performance needs to be as high as possible then why use F#? No reason to switch for performance alone, if in fact there is a real difference, unless perf is your problem. As far as why switch if you are only using features that are fine in C#, I would say "don't switch".

I like F#. There are some "problems" it solves much better than C#. But, even if I have a problem it solves better, I am not necessarily switching, as I have to consider the developers in the mix. Currently, I know of few in this organization that know anything about F#, so I would have to make a good business case to switch.

Ultimately, you have to look at the "business problem" and determine a path. You have to consider the "better" language as part of the mix, but you also have to examine core competency, etc.