C# – faster way than this to find all the files in a directory and all sub directories


I'm writing a program that needs to search a directory and all its sub directories for files that have a certain extension. This is going to be used both on a local, and a network drive, so performance is a bit of an issue.

Here's the recursive method I'm using now:

private void GetFileList(string fileSearchPattern, string rootFolderPath, List<FileInfo> files)
    DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(rootFolderPath);

    FileInfo[] fiArr = di.GetFiles(fileSearchPattern, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);

    DirectoryInfo[] diArr = di.GetDirectories();

    foreach (DirectoryInfo info in diArr)
        GetFileList(fileSearchPattern, info.FullName, files);

I could set the SearchOption to AllDirectories and not use a recursive method, but in the future I'll want to insert some code to notify the user what folder is currently being scanned.

While I'm creating a list of FileInfo objects now all I really care about is the paths to the files. I'll have an existing list of files, which I want to compare to the new list of files to see what files were added or deleted. Is there any faster way to generate this list of file paths? Is there anything that I can do to optimize this file search around querying for the files on a shared network drive?

Update 1

I tried creating a non-recursive method that does the same thing by first finding all the sub directories and then iteratively scanning each directory for files. Here's the method:

public static List<FileInfo> GetFileList(string fileSearchPattern, string rootFolderPath)
    DirectoryInfo rootDir = new DirectoryInfo(rootFolderPath);

    List<DirectoryInfo> dirList = new List<DirectoryInfo>(rootDir.GetDirectories("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories));

    List<FileInfo> fileList = new List<FileInfo>();

    foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in dirList)
        fileList.AddRange(dir.GetFiles(fileSearchPattern, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly));

    return fileList;

Update 2

Alright so I've run some tests on a local and a remote folder both of which have a lot of files (~1200). Here are the methods I've run the tests on. The results are below.

  • GetFileListA(): Non-recursive solution in the update above. I think it's equivalent to Jay's solution.
  • GetFileListB(): Recursive method from the original question
  • GetFileListC(): Gets all the directories with static Directory.GetDirectories() method. Then gets all the file paths with the static Directory.GetFiles() method. Populates and returns a List
  • GetFileListD(): Marc Gravell's solution using a queue and returns IEnumberable. I populated a List with the resulting IEnumerable
    • DirectoryInfo.GetFiles: No additional method created. Instantiated a DirectoryInfo from the root folder path. Called GetFiles using SearchOption.AllDirectories
  • Directory.GetFiles: No additional method created. Called the static GetFiles method of the Directory using using SearchOption.AllDirectories
Method                       Local Folder       Remote Folder
GetFileListA()               00:00.0781235      05:22.9000502
GetFileListB()               00:00.0624988      03:43.5425829
GetFileListC()               00:00.0624988      05:19.7282361
GetFileListD()               00:00.0468741      03:38.1208120
DirectoryInfo.GetFiles       00:00.0468741      03:45.4644210
Directory.GetFiles           00:00.0312494      03:48.0737459

. . .so looks like Marc's is the fastest.

Best Answer

Try this iterator block version that avoids recursion and the Info objects:

public static IEnumerable<string> GetFileList(string fileSearchPattern, string rootFolderPath)
    Queue<string> pending = new Queue<string>();
    string[] tmp;
    while (pending.Count > 0)
        rootFolderPath = pending.Dequeue();
            tmp = Directory.GetFiles(rootFolderPath, fileSearchPattern);
        catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
        for (int i = 0; i < tmp.Length; i++)
            yield return tmp[i];
        tmp = Directory.GetDirectories(rootFolderPath);
        for (int i = 0; i < tmp.Length; i++)

Note also that 4.0 has inbuilt iterator block versions (EnumerateFiles, EnumerateFileSystemEntries) that may be faster (more direct access to the file system; less arrays)