C++ – find MSCVR80.DLL v8.0.50727.3053


I've got a bug from one of our customers and believe that the problem lies with MSVCR80.DLL v8.0.50727.3053 – a version which I cannot find for download anywhere, however a google search turns up plenty of other crash reports.

Latest version on my system (and others here) is 8.0.50727.1433 and the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) is only version 8.0.5027.762 (currently same as the merge module we use)

Is there an "official" link to get this update? Is it bundled with any other Microsoft products?

EDIT: please don't email it to me, I'm looking for the SxS install.

EDIT2: damn, that wasn't the problem after all 🙁

Best Answer

A thread on the MSDN forums pointed out the answer: msvcr80.dll version 8.0.50727.3053 is included in .NET Framework 3.5 SP1