C# – find the assembly System.Web.Extensions dll


I'm messing around with some JSON and I'm trying to use the JavascriptSeralizer Class but I cannot for the love of god find a link to find where to add the assembly to my project. Someone help please!

I'm using .NET 4.0 and its not in the .Net tab when you right click on references -> add reference in the solution explorer of Visual C# 2010.

Best Answer

I had this problem myself. Most of the information I could find online was related to people having this problem with an ASP.NET web application. I was creating a Win Forms stand alone app so most of the advice wasn't helpful for me.

Turns out that the problem was that my project was set to use the ".NET 4 Framework Client Profile" as the target framework and the System.Web.Extensions reference was not in the list for adding. I changed the target to ".NET 4 Framework" and then the reference was available by the normal methods.

Here is what worked for me step by step:

  1. Right Click you project Select Properties
  2. Change your Target Framework to ".NET Framework 4"
  3. Do whatever you need to do to save the changes and close the preferences tab
  4. Right click on the References item in your Solution Explorer
  5. Choose Add Reference...
  6. In the .NET tab, scroll down to System.Web.Extensions and add it.