C# – Fluent NHibernate Automapping: Alter DateTime to Timestamp


I am getting (a little bit to) deep into automapping with the fluent interface of NHibernate. Very nice thing, but I ran into a little problem with DateTimes. I need to change the data format to timestamp, otherwise NHibernate truncates milliseconds.

I found several sources of information, the best one was:
AutoMapping Info 1 where he is changing the column name and type of a property. The problem is, there was a change in the fluent automappings, according to this document.

Now I cant figure out how to get the automapping to "change the type". I tried the following code, but I am stuck. Again, what I want to do is simply tell the automapper to:

Use Timestamps for DateTime to prevent the truncation of milliseconds when using automapping.

Anyone got an idea? Code so far:

   public class DateTimeToTimestamp : IClassConvention  
    public bool Accept(IClassMap target)
        return target.GetType() == typeof(DateTime);

    public void Apply(IClassMap target)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

thanks a lot for the answer… Its enough comfort for me that way. If I really have 3 classes which need this precision, I can deal with writing it three times. Especially because the mapping of all other properties works still perfectly, and the following code only alternates the one property I want to… Very nice!

If anybody knows a more generic approach, feel free to add it, but for now, I am happy!

Code for my case was:

    public class DateTimeToTimestamp : IAutoMappingOverride<CustomTime>
    public void Override(AutoMap<CustomTime> mapping)
        mapping.Map(x => x.ScanDate).CustomTypeIs("timestamp");

Best Answer

To expand on Derek's answer, in order to do it on a more general level, you would use an automapping convention:

public class TimestampTypeConvention : IPropertyConvention, IPropertyConventionAcceptance
    public void Accept(IAcceptanceCriteria<IPropertyInspector> criteria)
        criteria.Expect(x => x.Type == typeof (DateTime));

    public void Apply(IPropertyInstance instance)