C# forms application displaying even if user loggs off or locks computer


I'm writing an application that'll display a lightweight dashboard to the computer's secondary display (displaying permits that'll expire within X days and suchlike).
It will be running on a secretary's Windows XP computer with 2 graphics cards. One for the secretary's monitor and another for the flatscreen that's facing the reception area.

Ideally i'd have the flatscreen controlled by a dedicated machine rather than have a user operating on it doing what users to best (Try explaining that to procurement).

So the app's displaying to the secondary screen without a problem and hidden from the taskbar.

this.Location = secondDisplay.WorkingArea.Location;

The problem is it needs to run and display even if no one is logged in.

Is there any way i can have the app run in the background and display to the screen even if a user is logged off or locks the machine?

Best Answer

The display machine wouldn't need to be very powerful at all. An older system could be used (green points for not putting it in the landfill).

If there's not an old computer laying around, something like a mini-itx system or even a netbook with a port for an external monitor (I don't think all netbooks have them) would work well.

If they're dropping the dime to allow for development and a display panel, an inexpensive machine shouldn't strain the budget. Now if you really want to impress, show them this VGA splitter. With this you could display the same information throughout the office as well.