C# – Get Domain User ID in ASP.NET


I have a ASP.NET application where an employee logs into Windows and then they have to select their name from a long list of names and log in into the application.

What I want to do is as soon as the employee opens the application it selects their name from the drop down box.

I believe if I can get the Windows User Id on page load I can then make my code select the user depending on the Windows user that is logged in.

Question is. How do you get Windows User Id that is currently logged in in C# Asp.net? Any ideas.

Best Answer

Try this:-


Also check this forum.


1) Please check that you have disabled anonymous mode in IIS

2) Also do check that you have set the application to autheticate the user details like this:-

 <authentication mode="Windows"/> 
       <allow users="*"/>

or like this:-

  <authentication mode="Windows" /> 
        <deny users="?"/> 

3) You can you can either configure IIS in Control Panel so that your site (or machine) uses Windows authentication and denies anonymous access