C# – Good Features for an ORM


I'm currently working on putting together a fairly simple ORM tool to serve as a framework for various web projects for a client. Most of the projects are internal and will not require massive amounts of concurrency and all will go against SQL Server. I've suggested that they go with ORM tools like SubSonic, NHibernate, and a number of other open source projects out there, but for maintainability and flexibility reasons they want to create something custom. So my question is this: What are some features that I should make sure to include in this ORM tool? BTW, I'll be using MyGeneration to do the code generation templates.

Best Answer

For the love of all that's holy (and the women and the children), do everything possible to convince them not to go with a custom O/RM solution. Why are people wanting to re-invent the wheel when there are perfectly-good, open-source wheels already in existence?!?!

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