C# – Hiding C# properties when serialize with JSON.NET

cjson.netpropertiesserializationvisual studio

How can we hide the C# property where serializing with JSON.NET library. Suppose, we have class Customer

public class Customer
   public int CustId {get; set;}
   public string FirstName {get; set;}
   public string LastName {get; set;}
   public bool isLocked {get; set;}
   public Customer() {}


public class Test
  Customer cust = new Customer();
  cust.CustId = 101;
  cust.FirstName = "John"
  cust.LastName = "Murphy"

  string Json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cust); 


    "CustId": 101,   
    "FirstName": "John",   
    "LastName": "Murphy",  
    "isLocked": false 

This object is converted to json, but i didn't specify the isLocked property. As library will serialize the entire class, is there any way to ignore a property during json serialization process or if we can add any attribute on the property.

Also, If we create two instance of Customer class in an array. if we didn't specify is locked property on the second instance, can we can property hide for second object.


  "Customer": [
      "CustId": 101,
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Murphy",
      "isLocked": false
      "CustId": 102,
      "FirstName": "Sara",
      "LastName": "connie"

Best Answer

Use the JSON.Net attributes:

public class Customer
   public int CustId {get; set;}
   public string FirstName {get; set;}
   public string LastName {get; set;}
   public bool isLocked {get; set;}
   public Customer() {}


For more information: https://www.newtonsoft.com/json/help/html/SerializationAttributes.htm