C# – How to “bind” services to specific channels (tcp, http, ipc) in a .NET Remoting server


I have a complex .NET Remoting server app that provides a couple of services. Clients can currently use tcp and http channels to connect to the server.

Now I need to implement some new administration services, but I want to restrict their availability to the local machine, i.e. I want to create an administration tool that can use these new services, but I do not want sensitive data to physically leave the server, so I need to restrict running the admin tool on the same server computer.

I thought about adding the new services and also registering the ipc channel with the server for use by the admin tool. Now comes the problem: how can I prevent remote clients connecting to these new admin services using the tcp or http channel? Can I say something like "register service x, implemented by class C in assembly A, usable only via ipc", "register service y, implemented by class D in assembly A, usable via tcp/http" in app.config (or using remoting infrastructure classes)?

It's the "usable only via ipc" part that baffles me. (And no, porting to WCF is not an option right now.)

Best Answer

There are no overloads for RegisterWellKnownServiceType that allow you to specify which channel to register on, nor are there any methods on the IPCServerChannel to register a service, so none of that will work.

The best I can think of is writing a ChannelSink that filters your messages or provides security. These can be added to the constructor of your TcpChannel and HttpChannel to filter out admin only calls.

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