C# – How to call another controller Action From a controller in Mvc


I need to call a controller B action FileUploadMsgView from Controller A and need to pass a parameter for it.

 Code---its not going to the controller B's FileUploadMsgView().
    In ControllerA
  private void Test()

        {//some codes here
            ViewBag.FileUploadMsg = "File uploaded successfully.";
            ViewBag.FileUploadFlag = "2";

            RedirectToAction("B", "FileUploadMsgView", new { FileUploadMsg = "File   uploaded successfully" });

     In ControllerB receiving part
  public ActionResult FileUploadMsgView(string FileUploadMsg)
         return View();

Best Answer

As @mxmissile says in the comments to the accepted answer, you shouldn't new up the controller because it will be missing dependencies set up for IoC and won't have the HttpContext.

Instead, you should get an instance of your controller like this:

var controller = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<ControllerB>();
controller.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext(this.Request.RequestContext, controller);