C++ – How to compile gSoap with ssl enabled on windows


I am trying to build gSoap binaries with ssl support. I have downloaded the latest gSoap and binaries for WIN32 openssl from this website: http://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html

According to the gSoap documentation, I have to compile using the standard procedure with the DWITH_OPENSSL option enabled. I think the most natural option would be tu use minGW, but I have little experience with this tool. When I try this, (and after applying this patch I am left with two missing libraries a link time: -lssl and -lcrypto.

I guess I have to add a -L option to the compiling directive, but I dont see any libssl or libcrypto (should it be .a or .lib ?) in the openssl lib folder. Must I recompile these too or am I missing something ?

Best Answer

Yes, as I know if you use minGW 1st off install openssl and after that add path + flag like in followed example:

gcc -I/include/
     -o download_file download_file.c  -llibcurl -lcurl  

Here I compile basic C file.

Or if you run ./configure add flags like this:

LDFLAGS+="-L/local/lib -lcurl"  LIBS+=-I/local/include ....
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