C# – How to deal with costly building operations using MemoryCache


On an ASP.NET MVC project we have several instances of data that requires good amount of resources and time to build. We want to cache them.

MemoryCache provides certain level of thread-safety but not enough to avoid running multiple instances of building code in parallel. Here is an example:

var data = cache["key"];
if(data == null)
  data = buildDataUsingGoodAmountOfResources();
  cache["key"] = data;

As you can see on a busy website hundreds of threads could go inside the if statement simultaneously until the data is built and make the building operation even slower, unnecessarily consuming the server resources.

There is an atomic AddOrGetExisting implementation in MemoryCache but it incorrectly requires "value to set" instead of "code to retrieve the value to set" which I think renders the given method almost completely useless.

We have been using our own ad-hoc scaffolding around MemoryCache to get it right however it requires explicit locks. It's cumbersome to use per-entry lock objects and we usually get away by sharing lock objects which is far from ideal. That made me think that reasons to avoid such convention could be intentional.

So I have two questions:

  • Is it a better practice not to lock building code? (That could have been proven more responsive for one, I wonder)

  • What's the right way to achieve per-entry locking for MemoryCache for such a lock? The strong urge to use key string as the lock object is dismissed at ".NET locking 101".

Best Answer

We solved this issue by combining Lazy<T> with AddOrGetExisting to avoid a need for a lock object completely. Here is a sample code (which uses infinite expiration):

public T GetFromCache<T>(string key, Func<T> valueFactory) 
    var newValue = new Lazy<T>(valueFactory);
    // the line belows returns existing item or adds the new value if it doesn't exist
    var value = (Lazy<T>)cache.AddOrGetExisting(key, newValue, MemoryCache.InfiniteExpiration);
    return (value ?? newValue).Value; // Lazy<T> handles the locking itself

That's not complete. There are gotchas like "exception caching" so you have to decide about what you want to do in case your valueFactory throws exception. One of the advantages, though, is the ability to cache null values too.

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