C# – How to determine if user is an Administrator, even if non-elevated

cnetuacwindows 7

In my C# application, I need to check if the current user is a member of the Administrators group. It needs to be compatible with both Windows XP and Windows 7.

Currently, I am using the following code:

bool IsAdministrator
        WindowsIdentity identity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
        WindowsPrincipal principal = new WindowsPrincipal(identity);

        return principal.IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator);

The problem is that this method returns false if the application is run on Windows 7 with UAC turned on as a non-elevated Administrator. How can I determine if the user is an Administrator even if the application is run as a non-elevated Administrator?

Best Answer

There is a Win32 API GetTokenInformation that can be used to check the current token. If the returned token is a split token, it probably is an administrator user that is running i non elevated mode.

GetTokenInformation has an output parameter tokenInformation which takes one of three values:

  • TokenElevationTypeDefault = 1
  • TokenElevationTypeFull = 2
  • TokenElevationTypeLimited = 3

A value of TokenElevantionTypeLimited indicates that the user is running with a split token with limited privileges. When elevated the TokenElevationTypeFull value is returned. Non-admin user has a value of TokenElevationTypeDefault.

There is a complete code example for C# at http://www.davidmoore.info/2011/06/20/how-to-check-if-the-current-user-is-an-administrator-even-if-uac-is-on/