C# – How to get feedback to a page from a running thread in ASP.NET


So I have this interface that is just one big GO button that syncs a bunch of data from one tool to another. The problem is it takes a really long freaking time and some users are left wondering whats the deal. So I am wondering if there is a way that I can put something in my loop so that every so many entries it sends something back to the page to update them on the progress.

Currently it is just an .aspx page with an aspx.cs behind it. The Go button fires off the whole process and it calls Response.Write a ton of times (as well as writing the same thing to a log file I made) but the Responses don't show until the entire thing is done.

Please advise.

Best Answer

You could design a class which will be stored in the session and which will represent the current state of the operation:

public class OperationState
    public object Result { get; set; }
    public int Progress { get; set; }
    public string Error { get; set; }

An instance of this class could be created when you start the operation and store it in the user session. Then at each step of the operation you could retrieve it from session and update the progress property. Once the operation terminates you could set the Result property or the Error property in case an exception occurs. In the meantime you could design a PageMethod which will be accessible from client script. This method will simply return the State instance from the session. You will then invoke it periodically and asynchronously from javascript to check the progress and update the DOM to notify the user.