C# – How to get the generated id from an inserted row using ExecuteScalar


I know that in Oracle I can get the generated id (or any other column) from an inserted row as an output parameter.

insert into foo values('foo','bar') returning id into :myOutputParameter

Is there a way to do the same, but using ExecuteScalar instead of ExecuteNonQuery?

I don't want to use output parameters or stored procedures.

ps: I'm using Oracle, not sql server!!!

Best Answer

If you are on oracle, you have to use ExecuteNonQuery and ResultParameter. There is no way to write this as query.

using (OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand()) {
    cmd.CommandText = "insert into foo values('foo','bar') returning id into :myOutputParameter";
    cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("myOutputParameter", OracleDbType.Decimal), ParameterDirection.ReturnValue);
    cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // an INSERT is always a Non Query
    return Convert.ToDecimal(cmd.Parameters["myOutputParameter"].Value);