C# – How to guess the encoding of a file with no BOM in .NET

ccharacter encodingencodingnetunicode

I'm using the StreamReader class in .NET like this:

using( StreamReader reader = new StreamReader( "c:\somefile.html", true ) {
    string filetext = reader.ReadToEnd();

This works fine when the file has a BOM. I ran into trouble with a file with no BOM .. basically I got gibberish. When I specified Encoding.Unicode it worked fine, eg:

using( StreamReader reader = new StreamReader( "c:\somefile.html", Encoding.Unicode, false ) {
    string filetext = reader.ReadToEnd();

So, I need to get the file contents into a string. So how do people usually handle this? I know there's no solution that will work 100% of the time, but I'd like to improve my odds .. there is obviously software out there that tries to guess (eg, notepad, browsers, etc). Is there a method in the .NET framework that will guess for me? Does anyone have some code they'd like to share?

More background: This question is pretty much the same as mine, but I'm in .NET land. That question led me to a blog listing various encoding detection libraries, but none are in .NET