C# – How to hide a column in a datagrid using the .net compact framework 3.5


I have a DataGrid that is using a DataReader as its datasource. I want to hide the first column of the datagrid. I am using the .net compact framework 3.5. I can find examples for windows forms but the api is changed enough that they don't work.

Best Answer

You can set the column style width to 0 or -1.

DataGridTableStyle ts = new DataGridTableStyle();
ts.MappingName = "Order";

// Order date column style
DataGridColumnStyle cust_id = new DataGridTextBoxColumn();
cust_id.MappingName = "cust_id";
cust_id.HeaderText = "ID";

//Hide Customer ID
cust_id.Width = -1;


// Shipping name column style
DataGridColumnStyle cust_name = new DataGridTextBoxColumn();
cust_name.MappingName = "cust_name";
cust_name.HeaderText = "Customer";
cust_name.Width = 500;
