C# – How to make Windows Service start as “Automatic (Delayed Start)”



A WCF service running as a Windows Service. Account is "User".

What is done:

I have overridden the OnBeforeInstall in the projectinstaller to be able to set username and password from a config file.

What I would be able to do:

I'd like to be able to set the starttype as Automatic (Delayed Start)

What I have tried:

I put the following coderow in the overridden OnBeforeInstall

serviceInstaller1.StartType = ServiceStartMode.Automatic + 1;

Figured I would trick the ServiceStartMode enum into representing Automatic (Delayed Start), didn't work. Haven't tried anything more simply because I couldn't find anything to try.

What I have found on the net:

I found out that Automatic (Delayed Start) will be available in .NET 4, but that doesn't help me right now.
I found out that DelayedAutoStart could be added to the service's configuration key, but this feels like a hack if I should do this from code. But maybe this is the only solution available for me at this point?

Any ideas?

Robert Persson, Sweden

Best Answer

Now that .NET 4.0 is here:

serviceInstaller1.StartType = ServiceStartMode.Automatic;
serviceInstaller1.DelayedAutoStart = true;