C++ – How to save Application Settings in the Registry via MFC


I have a MFC application created by the MFC Project Wizard. I wanted to save/read application settings in the registry and so asked this question to find a C++ Registry wrapper as the Windows API is very messy. However, I have now heard that the MFC provides a way to do this. Is this true? If so, how can I read/write values, see whether a key exists and get a list of all the keys?

Best Answer

MFC provides an easy way to read/write Windows registry.

In your project you'll have a global CMyProjectName theApp; object.
CMyProjectName inherits CWinApp class which provides the SetRegistryKey() method.
That method sets theApp to write in the registry instead of an "ini" file.

In the documentation check out


methods on how to read and write integers and strings in the registry.