C# – How to Set a gridview column width when binding to a datatable


I am binding a table to a gridview in asp.net as such

grdIssues.DataSource = mdtIssues;


The problem is I cannot then control the column width, asp.net seems to decided on it's own what width each column should be. Methods such as

 grdIssues.Columns[0].ItemStyle.Width = 100;
 grdIssues.Columns[1].ItemStyle.Width = 100;

don't work because the columns are created dynamically. I cannot believe there isn't a way to do this short of manually creating each column and filling each row.

Best Answer

You dont have to manually create the columns to set them the width, you can do this

 foreach (DataControlField column in OrdersGV.Columns)
      column.ItemStyle.Width = Unit.Pixel(100);
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